Our #1 Client: Candidates

Finding Your Ideal Position

Our candidates are the most important part of our business. Whether you are actively in the job market or we have enticed you with an exciting potential opportunity, we look forward to working by your side as we find your ideal job. With The Huntress Executive Search Firm, we pride ourselves on the relationships we have built over the years with not only the top executives of our client companies, but also with our candidates we have worked with in the past - many of which are now friends, and many of which are now our clients.

Each time we receive a new resume, a member of our team carefully reviews your background to identify if your experience is a potential match for a position on which we are currently working. If we feel there is a match, we begin with a series of conversations outlining what you are looking for in your job search (geographical location, desired industries, compensation, company culture, preferred leadership style, etc.) all while learning more about you. In anticipation of introducing your candidacy to a client, we provide the utmost preparation including additional information about executives you may be meeting, the company culture, what to say, how to present your candidacy, etc. Whether or not your background fits a current opening on which we are working, we often offer friendly suggestions of how to enhance your resume as it is the #1 marketing tool in your candidacy.

Candidate Tips We Provide (That Might Be Helpful)

    • Your resume - it is a marketing tool NOT an autobiography or, worse yet, an obituary
    • Pros and cons of an objective statement on your resume
    • Thank you letters and appropriate follow up timing
    • What to wear when the company you are interviewing with is super casual
    • What to do if one of your references is less than thrilled with you
    • What companies really think about job hoppers and candidates with 20 years with one company
    • What are your references REALLY saying about you
    • How to turn around an interview where the wheels are falling off
    • Are you STAR material?
    • Leadership and passion...and why you must have both